Friday, August 13, 2010

friday funny

a cartoon, a joke and a story


joke- What did the fish say when he swam into the wall?

story- t.willie was taking a bath yesterday. he was having a great time playing with lots of cups and scoops and a watering can. i was across the hallway checking email but would go check on him every few minutes, as he has strong urges to dump water on the floor.

at one point, he called me in there. i went in and asked him what he wanted. he pointed to a little cup of water setting on the side of the tub and said, "dat's my pee dare." i repeated, "that's your pee there?" "yeah", he proudly answered. i looked closer and saw that, indeed, the "water" was yellow. as i was reprimanding him and dumping the offending liquid into the toilet, i could not help but picture him and the accuracy it took to execute the crime.....boys, ya gotta love 'em!!!

1. for gentle summer storms
2. magazines in my mailbox
3. boxed flavored noodles


  1. lol - better in the cup than in the tub :)

  2. I sent the popcorn joke to my nephew - we are having a joke contest and I love that one!! Hey and a shout out to T. for his aim!!!!
